Funeral service is at Surrey & Sussex Crematorium on Thursday 4th February 2021 at 12:45 pm. For those unable to attend The funeral will be available to watch via a webcast at the time of the service or up to one week thereafter.
To access the webcast please go to the Wesley Media website and use the login details shown below:
Login / Order ID: 71069
Password: cjachwta
Instructions: Go to the Wesley Media home page:
Select Webcasts from the Solutions tab at the top of the page. This will take you to the Webcasts introduction page, which outlines the webcasting service. The login page for viewing webcasts is accessed via the VIEW YOUR WEBCAST link beneath the main body of text.
Please note that for those attending the service, masks must be worn and social distance protocols must be observed.
We would ask that instead of flowers, donations are made to Versus Arthritis, through this site or to Stonemans Funeral Directors. Payments can be made by Bank Transfer or by Cheque. Cash cannot be accepted